all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

find any address or company within the DL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 8GU 60 0 54.332749 -1.443753
DL7 8ND 0 54.336766 -1.441561
DL7 8NX 0 54.33672 -1.442679
DL7 8PN 0 54.337432 -1.441798
DL7 8PU 0 54.337801 -1.441886
DL7 8AU 0 54.332996 -1.44661
DL7 8UE 2 2 54.345961 -1.445184
DL7 8DL 2 2 54.346071 -1.437891
DL7 8BF 33 0 54.332731 -1.435849
DL7 8AG 6 0 54.34045 -1.435759
DL7 8TG 50 0 54.334287 -1.440011
DL7 8LH 6 0 54.340792 -1.435769
DL7 8QA 4 0 54.340746 -1.433571
DL7 8WA 6 0 54.345317 -1.445855
DL7 8WB 38 0 54.344945 -1.447557
DL7 8WD 63 0 54.344162 -1.444732
DL7 8WE 40 0 54.342909 -1.445918
DL7 8WF 20 0 54.343756 -1.446506
DL7 8WG 5 0 54.343581 -1.447401
DL7 8WH 15 0 54.344328 -1.445729