all postcodes in DL7 / BEDALE

find any address or company within the DL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

DL / Darlington

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DL7 8SW 0 54.329017 -1.44325
DL7 8SX 0 54.326928 -1.441581
DL7 8SY 0 54.326814 -1.44232
DL7 8SZ 0 54.327035 -1.440263
DL7 8TA 0 54.327487 -1.442035
DL7 8TQ 0 54.336451 -1.439007
DL7 8TB 2 54.336052 -1.438879
DL7 8TD 0 54.335771 -1.438391
DL7 8TE 0 54.335054 -1.440087
DL7 8TF 0 54.335967 -1.437912
DL7 8TH 2 54.337145 -1.438188
DL7 8TJ 0 54.337277 -1.437463
DL7 8TL 0 54.336783 -1.437578
DL7 8TN 0 54.336528 -1.436828
DL7 8TP 0 54.336347 -1.435855
DL7 8TT 1 54.334146 -1.438613
DL7 8TW 0 54.33634 -1.436938
DL7 8TX 0 54.335887 -1.436144
DL7 8TY 0 54.336812 -1.438116
DL7 8TZ 0 54.335989 -1.434974