all postcodes in DT1 / DORCHESTER

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT1 2RJ 0 50.703783 -2.454553
DT1 2RL 0 50.703592 -2.455245
DT1 2RN 0 50.703228 -2.453868
DT1 2RP 0 50.702389 -2.452344
DT1 2RQ 0 50.703991 -2.447418
DT1 2RR 0 50.702186 -2.451464
DT1 2RW 0 50.702863 -2.452828
DT1 2RU 1 50.701042 -2.447092
DT1 2RY 6 50.702744 -2.444262
DT1 2RZ 3 50.702973 -2.44316
DT1 2SA 0 50.705487 -2.424901
DT1 2SB 0 50.70612 -2.424015
DT1 2SD 0 50.70658 -2.42341
DT1 2SE 0 50.706694 -2.426552
DT1 2SF 0 50.706991 -2.426541
DT1 2SG 0 50.704995 -2.426509
DT1 2SH 0 50.703832 -2.42732
DT1 2SL 1 50.70045 -2.442088
DT1 2SN 0 50.707344 -2.428569
DT1 2SP 0 50.706481 -2.428236