all postcodes in DT1 / DORCHESTER

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT1 2TQ 0 50.701592 -2.446913
DT1 2TR 0 50.707218 -2.43082
DT1 2TS 0 50.706983 -2.4312
DT1 2TT 0 50.706708 -2.430449
DT1 2TU 0 50.706515 -2.429088
DT1 2TW 0 50.706328 -2.430911
DT1 2TX 0 50.707749 -2.43091
DT1 2WB 1 50.71528 -2.444281
DT1 2PH 7 0 50.713198 -2.454785
DT1 2GZ 5 0 50.707605 -2.452182
DT1 2QE 0 50.71024 -2.456839
DT1 2FD 3 3 50.713502 -2.457579
DT1 2FB 26 2 50.713862 -2.448163
DT1 2FE 80 0 50.709917 -2.442744
DT1 2FG 17 0 50.714062 -2.456775
DT1 2FF 0 50.708631 -2.421006
DT1 2FH 40 0 50.713677 -2.449394
DT1 2FL 1 1 50.709139 -2.446303