all postcodes in DT1 / DORCHESTER

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT1 2LF 0 50.709811 -2.451465
DT1 2LG 0 50.711418 -2.450007
DT1 2LH 0 50.711042 -2.449437
DT1 2LJ 0 50.71067 -2.44806
DT1 2LL 0 50.709896 -2.448281
DT1 2LN 1 50.710858 -2.445883
DT1 2LP 2 50.709741 -2.446509
DT1 2LQ 0 50.710583 -2.447155
DT1 2LR 2 50.710188 -2.447179
DT1 2LS 0 50.710403 -2.449646
DT1 2LT 0 50.709152 -2.44738
DT1 2LU 0 50.709639 -2.449667
DT1 2LW 5 50.710217 -2.446457
DT1 2LX 0 50.710088 -2.444868
DT1 2LY 1 50.709855 -2.444837
DT1 2LZ 2 50.71031 -2.44347
DT1 2NA 0 50.710719 -2.444762
DT1 2NB 0 50.71057 -2.445922
DT1 2ND 0 50.711163 -2.446096
DT1 2NE 0 50.709725 -2.450489