all postcodes in DT9 / SHERBORNE

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Postcode Area

DT / Dorchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DT9 3LN 11 50.946358 -2.51579
DT9 3LP 0 50.945218 -2.514624
DT9 3LQ 4 50.946314 -2.517511
DT9 3LS 3 50.946799 -2.515082
DT9 3LT 1 50.945781 -2.514075
DT9 3LU 2 50.946322 -2.515191
DT9 3LW 0 50.945721 -2.515327
DT9 3LX 1 50.945982 -2.514846
DT9 3LY 0 50.945856 -2.514745
DT9 3LZ 0 50.945305 -2.514013
DT9 3NA 0 50.945183 -2.512958
DT9 3NB 4 50.944013 -2.51313
DT9 3ND 1 50.945084 -2.512345
DT9 3NE 1 50.946408 -2.513939
DT9 3NG 0 50.945999 -2.515017
DT9 3NH 4 50.944162 -2.512036
DT9 3NJ 2 50.945898 -2.51197
DT9 3NL 11 50.945679 -2.516138
DT9 3NP 1 50.944539 -2.515641
DT9 3NQ 0 50.945045 -2.513711