all postcodes in DY12 / BEWDLEY

find any address or company within the DY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY12 2DR 5 0 52.372042 -2.31371
DY12 2DS 40 0 52.374787 -2.312525
DY12 2DT 1 0 52.372083 -2.311933
DY12 2DU 1 0 52.374161 -2.311301
DY12 2DW 4 0 52.373351 -2.314997
DY12 2DX 72 5 52.375246 -2.312543
DY12 2DY 5 0 52.37387 -2.312533
DY12 2DZ 38 5 52.373916 -2.312284
DY12 2EA 4 0 52.3756 -2.316522
DY12 2EB 3 0 52.373299 -2.321298
DY12 2ED 10 0 52.373695 -2.321007
DY12 2EE 24 5 52.376821 -2.315316
DY12 2EF 37 11 52.376588 -2.316765
DY12 2EG 1 1 52.376765 -2.315947
DY12 2EH 11 2 52.375745 -2.317585
DY12 2EJ 10 0 52.376571 -2.317929
DY12 2EL 19 4 52.374834 -2.317002
DY12 2EN 7 0 52.374038 -2.317191
DY12 2EP 12 0 52.374177 -2.318749
DY12 2EQ 3 3 52.37615 -2.315953