all postcodes in DY12 / BEWDLEY

find any address or company within the DY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY12 2PD 16 0 52.37435 -2.324758
DY12 2PE 5 0 52.373547 -2.325942
DY12 2PF 8 0 52.374048 -2.326621
DY12 2PG 13 0 52.375404 -2.327263
DY12 2PH 7 0 52.37574 -2.329175
DY12 2PJ 17 0 52.376338 -2.327431
DY12 2PL 6 0 52.375728 -2.327045
DY12 2PN 16 0 52.377744 -2.32941
DY12 2PP 26 0 52.376049 -2.331322
DY12 2PQ 8 0 52.374876 -2.326334
DY12 2PR 15 0 52.376969 -2.330124
DY12 2PS 13 0 52.376851 -2.330535
DY12 2PT 10 0 52.376697 -2.33093
DY12 2PU 22 0 52.376758 -2.331665
DY12 2PW 11 0 52.377448 -2.329158
DY12 2PX 31 0 52.378144 -2.33097
DY12 2PY 20 0 52.379006 -2.331403
DY12 2PZ 13 0 52.378337 -2.32965
DY12 2QA 48 0 52.37578 -2.331055
DY12 2QB 21 1 52.376902 -2.328537