all postcodes in DY12 / BEWDLEY

find any address or company within the DY12 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY12 2LF 4 0 52.380656 -2.332914
DY12 2LG 1 0 52.381092 -2.337648
DY12 2LH 5 0 52.374386 -2.334512
DY12 2LJ 1 0 52.37472 -2.337202
DY12 2LL 1 0 52.374421 -2.337993
DY12 2LN 2 0 52.37377 -2.340819
DY12 2LP 1 0 52.375738 -2.342616
DY12 2LQ 1 0 52.383144 -2.33374
DY12 2LR 1 0 52.375676 -2.352924
DY12 2LS 2 0 52.377827 -2.355203
DY12 2LT 1 0 52.385161 -2.339045
DY12 2LU 2 0 52.385083 -2.342596
DY12 2LX 1 0 52.386673 -2.350885
DY12 2LY 1 0 52.387145 -2.355282
DY12 2LZ 8 0 52.374174 -2.333203
DY12 2NX 4 0 52.376688 -2.327831
DY12 2NY 11 0 52.3779 -2.331674
DY12 2NZ 13 0 52.378269 -2.331397
DY12 2PA 4 0 52.374581 -2.325729
DY12 2PB 8 0 52.374682 -2.324848