all postcodes in DY9 / STOURBRIDGE

find any address or company within the DY9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY9 9TY 3 0 52.399647 -2.106609
DY9 9UA 2 0 52.402593 -2.109703
DY9 9UB 2 0 52.400784 -2.111609
DY9 9UE 3 0 52.399318 -2.102772
DY9 9UG 3 1 52.39676 -2.098225
DY9 9UH 12 0 52.397333 -2.093911
DY9 9UJ 9 0 52.393631 -2.092154
DY9 9UL 5 0 52.392487 -2.094444
DY9 9UN 5 0 52.396498 -2.081491
DY9 9UP 2 0 52.395857 -2.079146
DY9 9UR 7 0 52.397032 -2.075834
DY9 9UT 6 0 52.396 -2.072158
DY9 9UU 22 8 52.396128 -2.062216
DY9 9UX 2 0 52.393514 -2.058009
DY9 9UY 8 0 52.395003 -2.070789
DY9 9XA 9 1 52.393505 -2.073058
DY9 9XB 10 0 52.394074 -2.069708
DY9 9XD 6 0 52.390983 -2.073766
DY9 9XE 4 1 52.389137 -2.070773
DY9 9XG 7 0 52.394082 -2.077386