all postcodes in DY9 / STOURBRIDGE

find any address or company within the DY9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY9 9ST 32 2 52.392817 -2.118134
DY9 9SU 20 0 52.393177 -2.117091
DY9 9SW 35 0 52.392077 -2.120086
DY9 9SX 14 0 52.392413 -2.117207
DY9 9SY 17 0 52.391592 -2.119614
DY9 9SZ 26 0 52.393373 -2.118914
DY9 9TD 5 2 52.392218 -2.119567
DY9 9TE 14 2 52.390738 -2.119891
DY9 9TF 18 1 52.389138 -2.119461
DY9 9TG 14 1 52.391617 -2.117772
DY9 9TJ 28 1 52.390757 -2.114919
DY9 9TH 26 2 52.390372 -2.117172
DY9 9TL 52 0 52.391732 -2.11503
DY9 9TN 24 0 52.3903 -2.108384
DY9 9TP 1 0 52.391904 -2.104333
DY9 9TQ 34 0 52.391739 -2.117117
DY9 9TR 1 0 52.393503 -2.101127
DY9 9TS 16 5 52.394842 -2.100998
DY9 9TT 5 0 52.394951 -2.104693
DY9 9TX 1 1 52.397652 -2.100599