all postcodes in DY9 / STOURBRIDGE

find any address or company within the DY9 postcode district

Postcode Area

DY / Dudley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
DY9 9RE 19 0 52.403966 -2.116282
DY9 9RG 22 0 52.405848 -2.112744
DY9 9RH 5 0 52.406567 -2.113334
DY9 9RJ 5 0 52.406003 -2.111069
DY9 9RL 7 0 52.404132 -2.111623
DY9 9RN 7 0 52.406945 -2.103589
DY9 9RP 1 1 52.408645 -2.101741
DY9 9RR 14 0 52.409438 -2.100493
DY9 9RS 2 0 52.410575 -2.101607
DY9 9RT 7 0 52.410471 -2.101069
DY9 9RU 1 0 52.413117 -2.086623
DY9 9RX 5 0 52.403491 -2.082782
DY9 9RY 2 0 52.403431 -2.097122
DY9 9SH 21 0 52.401988 -2.116394
DY9 9SJ 1 0 52.397878 -2.117868
DY9 9SL 28 0 52.39946 -2.118357
DY9 9SN 4 0 52.39539 -2.116318
DY9 9SP 5 1 52.39778 -2.122007
DY9 9SR 5 0 52.394777 -2.117786
DY9 9SS 4 1 52.394392 -2.116198