all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 0LL 13 7 51.512069 -0.047476
E1 0LN 36 0 51.511613 -0.046978
E1 0LP 40 0 51.512592 -0.048073
E1 0LQ 30 0 51.513257 -0.048592
E1 0LR 1 1 51.513565 -0.049775
E1 0LS 1 1 51.513595 -0.050552
E1 0LT 15 0 51.511893 -0.046071
E1 0LW 56 0 51.51156 -0.048189
E1 0NA 19 0 51.515162 -0.042573
E1 0NB 43 0 51.514135 -0.043006
E1 0ND 27 4 51.513727 -0.040631
E1 0NE 14 0 51.513075 -0.041437
E1 0NF 53 0 51.514167 -0.041131
E1 0NG 41 0 51.514499 -0.041621
E1 0NJ 6 0 51.514674 -0.040821
E1 0NL 21 0 51.51523 -0.040696
E1 0NN 10 0 51.515549 -0.040956
E1 0NP 17 0 51.51737 -0.040719
E1 0NQ 13 0 51.515167 -0.041246
E1 0NR 1 1 51.516883 -0.041692