all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 0NS 3 0 51.513382 -0.041525
E1 0NT 4 0 51.514877 -0.0411
E1 0NU 28 0 51.514706 -0.042174
E1 0NW 15 0 51.517272 -0.04012
E1 0NX 13 0 51.515528 -0.041894
E1 0NY 8 0 51.517272 -0.039025
E1 0NZ 16 0 51.516987 -0.039813
E1 0PB 18 0 51.515524 -0.049201
E1 0PD 36 0 51.515496 -0.050716
E1 0PE 65 0 51.515893 -0.050281
E1 0PF 54 0 51.516376 -0.050102
E1 0PG 5 0 51.515621 -0.051763
E1 0PH 12 0 51.514496 -0.051162
E1 0PJ 58 0 51.51515 -0.051048
E1 0PL 64 0 51.515254 -0.052413
E1 0PN 33 0 51.5148 -0.051077
E1 0PP 61 0 51.514922 -0.047613
E1 0PQ 16 0 51.515133 -0.048802
E1 0PR 8 0 51.513605 -0.046819
E1 0PS 31 0 51.513924 -0.047598