all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 0RE 36 0 51.514663 -0.04434
E1 0RG 62 0 51.515443 -0.044319
E1 0RF 13 0 51.515044 -0.045172
E1 0RQ 20 0 51.515441 -0.043108
E1 0RH 1 1 51.516251 -0.044212
E1 0RJ 2 1 51.515769 -0.044912
E1 0RS 1 1 51.519018 -0.058133
E1 0SA 32 0 51.514293 -0.049211
E1 0SB 20 0 51.514614 -0.049615
E1 0SD 25 0 51.514996 -0.049354
E1 0SE 30 0 51.515273 -0.049789
E1 0SF 54 0 51.514964 -0.05009
E1 0SG 23 4 51.514375 -0.050404
E1 0SH 13 0 51.514256 -0.048607
E1 0SQ 59 0 51.514377 -0.049971
E1 0TG 1 1 51.519018 -0.058133
E1 0BN 8 0 51.51203 -0.052019
E1 0EF 45 0 51.511903 -0.048809
E1 0EG 33 0 51.512364 -0.048962
E1 0EL 23 0 51.511815 -0.049362