all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 3BH 59 0 51.518205 -0.054117
E1 3BJ 19 0 51.51766 -0.053261
E1 3BL 40 0 51.517961 -0.053494
E1 3BN 19 0 51.518298 -0.053248
E1 3BP 19 0 51.519155 -0.052753
E1 3BQ 24 0 51.517497 -0.053729
E1 3BS 8 4 51.51976 -0.052871
E1 3BW 6 1 51.51877 -0.052378
E1 3BX 28 0 51.519139 -0.054077
E1 3BY 14 0 51.519529 -0.052648
E1 3DA 32 0 51.519185 -0.048713
E1 3DB 16 0 51.518871 -0.047646
E1 3DD 15 0 51.51666 -0.053679
E1 3DF 1 1 51.516351 -0.045894
E1 3DG 1 1 51.517136 -0.042863
E1 3DH 9 2 51.516952 -0.046387
E1 3DP 30 0 51.516625 -0.04669
E1 3DR 16 0 51.516204 -0.04789
E1 3DS 36 0 51.5163 -0.048779
E1 3DT 48 0 51.51597 -0.049485