all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 3DE 8 0 51.520037 -0.050738
E1 3DQ 27 0 51.520138 -0.04223
E1 3FA 27 0 51.520039 -0.042724
E1 3FD 63 0 51.519592 -0.041273
E1 3FE 53 0 51.520287 -0.04143
E1 3FH 9 0 51.51969 -0.041773
E1 3FJ 6 0 51.519977 -0.041746
E1 3FL 8 0 51.519665 -0.041889
E1 3FN 32 0 51.520138 -0.04223
E1 3FP 43 0 51.519481 -0.0422
E1 3FR 15 0 51.520339 -0.042379
E1 3FS 8 0 51.520173 -0.043237
E1 3FT 8 0 51.520457 -0.041913
E1 3FX 12 0 51.519899 -0.043494
E1 3FY 53 0 51.519899 -0.043494
E1 3FZ 1 0 51.520073 -0.043703
E1 3FW 0 51.520039 -0.042724
E1 3FB 0 51.520752 -0.050463
E1 3FF 0 51.52054 -0.050155
E1 3NP 10 0 51.519374 -0.041671