all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 3HY 20 0 51.518684 -0.049384
E1 3HZ 37 0 51.517813 -0.048931
E1 3JA 24 0 51.520345 -0.050307
E1 3JB 28 0 51.51993 -0.050224
E1 3JD 11 0 51.520038 -0.049729
E1 3JE 37 0 51.519551 -0.049635
E1 3JF 37 0 51.519751 -0.049194
E1 3JG 1 1 51.519325 -0.049544
E1 3JH 55 0 51.519905 -0.048755
E1 3JJ 57 0 51.519247 -0.047572
E1 3JQ 2 0 51.519977 -0.049172
E1 3JR 41 0 51.51758 -0.048969
E1 3JS 7 0 51.520789 -0.048385
E1 3JT 11 0 51.52053 -0.047921
E1 3JU 25 0 51.520413 -0.04954
E1 3JX 34 1 51.520533 -0.048557
E1 3LE 34 0 51.519664 -0.047223
E1 3LG 21 0 51.521029 -0.049269
E1 3LJ 29 0 51.519144 -0.046222
E1 3LL 36 0 51.519079 -0.045576