all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 8BL 33 7 51.511193 -0.071105
E1 8BP 8 1 51.5119 -0.068769
E1 8BQ 51 0 51.512309 -0.073925
E1 8BS 31 0 51.514115 -0.067796
E1 8BU 34 0 51.512169 -0.067576
E1 8BZ 14 0 51.511578 -0.074893
E1 8DA 17 5 51.51365 -0.071148
E1 8DE 51 33 51.513297 -0.072085
E1 8DJ 18 6 51.512763 -0.070909
E1 8DL 31 1 51.513287 -0.071523
E1 8DN 17 5 51.513193 -0.070677
E1 8DZ 6 6 51.513918 -0.071612
E1 8DR 46 1 51.512237 -0.071106
E1 8DS 1 1 51.513917 -0.071624
E1 8DT 8 1 51.512505 -0.072707
E1 8DW 2 0 51.511777 -0.071544
E1 8EB 15 3 51.514226 -0.070213
E1 8EE 1 0 51.513985 -0.0725
E1 8EF 29 0 51.512763 -0.070909
E1 8EN 4 2 51.514481 -0.070839