all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 8JR 11 0 51.510495 -0.068583
E1 8JT 25 0 51.509921 -0.067599
E1 8JU 12 0 51.509502 -0.068928
E1 8JX 8 1 51.510601 -0.069559
E1 8JY 18 0 51.51031 -0.069413
E1 8JZ 14 0 51.510387 -0.069669
E1 8LA 14 0 51.51021 -0.069864
E1 8LB 18 0 51.509883 -0.06969
E1 8LD 14 0 51.509672 -0.069411
E1 8LE 14 0 51.509913 -0.0693
E1 8LG 55 4 51.510392 -0.070519
E1 8LQ 1 1 51.509979 -0.072222
E1 8LR 19 0 51.509953 -0.070105
E1 8LS 26 1 51.510408 -0.070417
E1 8LT 14 0 51.509342 -0.070102
E1 8LU 52 0 51.509293 -0.069326
E1 8LX 48 0 51.508642 -0.070189
E1 8LY 13 0 51.509865 -0.070786
E1 8LZ 17 0 51.508949 -0.070306
E1 8NA 1 1 51.509826 -0.068367