all postcodes in E13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E13 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E13 0AA 1 1 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0AB 58 0 51.529855 0.024277
E13 0AD 49 12 51.531022 0.020725
E13 0AE 14 0 51.530395 0.019529
E13 0AG 27 1 51.530238 0.020834
E13 0AH 60 0 51.530707 0.020235
E13 0AJ 49 1 51.529933 0.02183
E13 0AL 12 2 51.531353 0.018706
E13 0AN 8 1 51.525357 0.024856
E13 0AP 25 1 51.529174 0.025141
E13 0AQ 33 0 51.531312 0.019007
E13 0AR 27 0 51.528745 0.024992
E13 0AS 54 7 51.527915 0.026685
E13 0AT 1 1 51.526252 0.028745
E13 0AU 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0AW 50 0 51.525383 0.025434
E13 0AX 51 0 51.528321 0.025089
E13 0AY 47 0 51.525974 0.027133
E13 0AZ 44 0 51.525747 0.027281
E13 0BA 8 0 51.531323 0.019959