all postcodes in E13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E13 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E13 0SH 41 0 51.536298 0.031831
E13 0SJ 41 0 51.536259 0.031468
E13 0SL 32 0 51.53644 0.032962
E13 0SN 35 0 51.536495 0.032472
E13 0SP 21 0 51.537012 0.033679
E13 0SQ 68 1 51.535303 0.033719
E13 0SW 32 0 51.536593 0.033473
E13 0TA 17 0 51.530072 0.015276
E13 0TB 27 0 51.530246 0.014606
E13 0TD 21 0 51.530579 0.016163
E13 0UF 1 1 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0UH 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0UJ 1 1 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0UX 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0WB 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0WD 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0WE 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0WF 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0WH 1 0 51.529278 0.0233
E13 0WJ 1 1 51.529278 0.0233