all postcodes in E13 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E13 0QZ 53 15 51.537643 0.030968
E13 0RA 62 1 51.537573 0.028268
E13 0RB 12 0 51.536829 0.027096
E13 0RD 39 0 51.535401 0.028575
E13 0RE 46 0 51.535566 0.028871
E13 0RF 42 0 51.536636 0.027866
E13 0RH 61 0 51.536136 0.029228
E13 0RJ 40 1 51.536246 0.029608
E13 0RL 44 0 51.536406 0.030221
E13 0RQ 57 7 51.53728 0.028053
E13 0RU 58 0 51.532002 0.023349
E13 0RX 58 0 51.532014 0.023695
E13 0RY 6 0 51.532115 0.024579
E13 0RZ 13 0 51.532186 0.025678
E13 0SA 32 0 51.531772 0.026222
E13 0SB 9 0 51.53715 0.030888
E13 0SD 33 0 51.531946 0.02659
E13 0SE 61 4 51.534188 0.027568
E13 0SF 70 0 51.534555 0.0291
E13 0SG 49 0 51.534818 0.031563