all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 2DE 53 1 51.554124 -0.005416
E15 2DF 47 0 51.553843 -0.006465
E15 2DG 35 0 51.554523 -0.006248
E15 2DL 53 0 51.553496 0.002261
E15 2DN 35 0 51.55321 0.002681
E15 2HR 17 0 51.538421 -0.003866
E15 2HS 20 0 51.537805 -0.004138
E15 2HU 71 11 51.539076 -0.005351
E15 2HX 5 3 51.538017 -0.00759
E15 2HY 4 0 51.537043 -0.004791
E15 2HZ 3 0 51.537043 -0.004791
E15 2JA 5 3 51.537165 -0.003474
E15 2JG 2 2 51.536957 -0.003859
E15 2JH 7 1 51.537649 -0.0055
E15 2JJ 16 0 51.538222 -0.005389
E15 2JL 35 2 51.537927 -0.004969
E15 2JN 56 0 51.537671 -0.006812
E15 2JP 52 0 51.537671 -0.006812
E15 2JQ 1 1 51.536684 -0.005889
E15 2JR 32 0 51.537213 -0.007365