all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 2RY 34 0 51.532507 -0.005524
E15 2RZ 48 0 51.532764 -0.006478
E15 2SA 50 0 51.532764 -0.006478
E15 2SD 1 1 51.53332 -0.006224
E15 2SE 45 0 51.533449 -0.007068
E15 2SF 50 0 51.533449 -0.007068
E15 2SP 81 48 51.537326 -0.000294
E15 2ST 16 16 51.536852 -0.000431
E15 2SW 44 0 51.536852 -0.000431
E15 2SX 87 1 51.536085 -0.001358
E15 2TF 44 30 51.536281 -0.003759
E15 2TG 55 0 51.535614 -0.003239
E15 2TH 68 0 51.536239 -0.002447
E15 2TJ 124 1 51.536736 -0.003103
E15 2TQ 40 0 51.535376 -0.004042
E15 2TR 84 0 51.553072 -0.002893
E15 2XF 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 2XT 1 1 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 2JE 3 2 51.538619 -0.006496
E15 2SY 1 1 51.536478 -0.00013