all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 2JT 26 0 51.538689 -0.004792
E15 2JU 10 0 51.536377 -0.006897
E15 2JW 56 0 51.537671 -0.006812
E15 2LR 76 0 51.535742 -0.004401
E15 2LS 7 1 51.535742 -0.004401
E15 2LU 30 0 51.536646 -0.006813
E15 2LX 39 0 51.537102 -0.006115
E15 2LY 68 0 51.539638 -0.004548
E15 2LZ 66 0 51.539638 -0.004548
E15 2NE 59 6 51.534918 -0.006616
E15 2NF 1 1 51.534685 -0.002544
E15 2NH 17 7 51.531873 -0.01266
E15 2NS 60 0 51.531753 -0.011511
E15 2NY 60 0 51.531753 -0.011511
E15 2NZ 73 0 51.531753 -0.011511
E15 2PF 1 1 51.531753 -0.011511
E15 2PH 1 1 51.53235 -0.015321
E15 2PT 24 0 51.53432 -0.009135
E15 2PW 5 3 51.531163 -0.013729
E15 2PX 32 0 51.533974 -0.008891