all postcodes in E15 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E15 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E15 2WT 1 0 51.532076 -0.005138
E15 2SN 4 4 51.536986 -0.00142
E15 2QB 40 0 51.532732 -0.009349
E15 2QF 46 0 51.532732 -0.009349
E15 2QG 46 0 51.532732 -0.009349
E15 2SB 1 1 51.535753 0.000213
E15 2SG 20 0 51.536449 -0.001602
E15 2SL 87 0 51.536664 -0.001564
E15 2SQ 26 0 51.536702 -0.001115
E15 2SS 29 0 51.536527 -0.000892
E15 2GN 3 3 51.53371 -0.001808
E15 2QT 1 1 51.530958 0.002035
E15 2BF 0 51.552651 0.004907
E15 2PP 3 51.530762 -0.012377
E15 2PG 0 51.531104 -0.011957
E15 2PL 0 51.531335 -0.012351
E15 2PR 0 51.531335 -0.012351
E15 2PS 0 51.531059 -0.012522
E15 2JS 2 51.536847 -0.008059
E15 2JD 0 51.53724 -0.008431