all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 6DX 32 1 51.520574 -0.077281
E1 6DY 12 12 51.520205 -0.078335
E1 6EA 40 3 51.520073 -0.075212
E1 6EB 69 0 51.520912 -0.075379
E1 6ED 17 1 51.520451 -0.075816
E1 6EQ 1 0 51.520119 -0.078612
E1 6HN 1 1 51.519018 -0.058133
E1 6HP 1 1 51.524447 -0.077652
E1 6HQ 76 0 51.518756 -0.076608
E1 6HR 38 3 51.523638 -0.072208
E1 6HU 27 12 51.524527 -0.077478
E1 6HY 1 1 51.52433 -0.077628
E1 6LA 19 16 51.524203 -0.073613
E1 6JB 53 0 51.525584 -0.078298
E1 6JE 87 18 51.526418 -0.078275
E1 6JJ 24 23 51.524074 -0.076689
E1 6JN 30 11 51.526308 -0.077645
E1 6JT 5 2 51.524175 -0.075171
E1 6JU 19 2 51.524079 -0.074844
E1 6JX 10 1 51.52425 -0.074289