all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 6LF 46 5 51.524124 -0.072103
E1 6LG 10 1 51.523673 -0.077612
E1 6LP 18 4 51.516339 -0.072273
E1 6LS 1 0 51.516627 -0.072261
E1 6LT 31 11 51.517445 -0.073337
E1 6LY 14 2 51.519115 -0.073698
E1 6LZ 16 2 51.519912 -0.07421
E1 6QL 65 33 51.521039 -0.072032
E1 6NF 10 10 51.520736 -0.074394
E1 6NG 56 0 51.520947 -0.074772
E1 6NH 3 2 51.520734 -0.07442
E1 6NJ 2 1 51.521391 -0.074352
E1 6NP 11 0 51.521656 -0.075246
E1 6NQ 44 0 51.520947 -0.074772
E1 6NR 18 0 51.521722 -0.075446
E1 6NU 41 3 51.521894 -0.076029
E1 6NW 48 1 51.521653 -0.074497
E1 6PG 8 7 51.522445 -0.077738
E1 6PJ 27 8 51.522489 -0.078241
E1 6PL 7 6 51.52154 -0.077373