all postcodes in E1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E1 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E1 6PR 1 0 51.519139 -0.072037
E1 6PU 68 13 51.518304 -0.071525
E1 6PX 71 30 51.518546 -0.072581
E1 6QE 43 8 51.519345 -0.073038
E1 6QF 22 1 51.519857 -0.073549
E1 6QG 17 2 51.519528 -0.073823
E1 6QH 33 0 51.519868 -0.072612
E1 6QJ 10 0 51.519604 -0.072926
E1 6QQ 8 0 51.519704 -0.07402
E1 6QR 47 10 51.520229 -0.073104
E1 6QS 2 0 51.520108 -0.073959
E1 6QT 49 1 51.517757 -0.072211
E1 6RE 1 1 51.517514 -0.070535
E1 6RF 56 11 51.518016 -0.070975
E1 6RG 21 0 51.517859 -0.071861
E1 6RH 1 1 51.518553 -0.071243
E1 6RL 70 17 51.51959 -0.071543
E1 6RN 32 0 51.517501 -0.071948
E1 6RR 1 1 51.519018 -0.058133
E1 6RT 1 1 51.517877 -0.072941