all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 0JZ 70 0 51.526998 -0.05132
E2 0LB 6 1 51.525723 -0.051433
E2 0LD 17 0 51.525367 -0.051102
E2 0LE 1 1 51.5258 -0.049541
E2 0LG 32 0 51.526247 -0.049392
E2 0LH 9 0 51.525656 -0.050671
E2 0LJ 25 1 51.526638 -0.05073
E2 0LL 12 0 51.525923 -0.049307
E2 0LN 51 0 51.526365 -0.050036
E2 0LP 40 0 51.527748 -0.049904
E2 0LQ 1 0 51.525479 -0.050246
E2 0LR 33 0 51.527748 -0.049904
E2 0LS 44 0 51.527314 -0.049779
E2 0LT 59 1 51.527842 -0.050708
E2 0LW 14 0 51.527498 -0.050535
E2 0LX 1 1 51.527782 -0.050854
E2 0NF 23 1 51.529736 -0.04832
E2 0NA 8 0 51.529094 -0.049198
E2 0NB 38 0 51.528904 -0.049682
E2 0NG 14 0 51.53025 -0.048976