all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 0NH 11 0 51.529616 -0.049205
E2 0NJ 12 0 51.529501 -0.052035
E2 0NL 10 0 51.530006 -0.052677
E2 0NN 64 0 51.530156 -0.05025
E2 0NP 16 0 51.53028 -0.051815
E2 0NQ 22 0 51.528557 -0.05098
E2 0NS 15 0 51.529381 -0.052372
E2 0NT 20 0 51.529641 -0.052909
E2 0NW 28 0 51.53041 -0.049906
E2 0PA 40 0 51.529237 -0.05294
E2 0PB 39 0 51.528977 -0.05298
E2 0PD 21 0 51.530062 -0.052242
E2 0PE 21 0 51.530326 -0.051351
E2 0PF 24 1 51.529866 -0.051256
E2 0PG 8 7 51.528433 -0.048938
E2 0PH 12 0 51.528378 -0.049387
E2 0PJ 1 1 51.528034 -0.048191
E2 0PL 16 0 51.528544 -0.048544
E2 0PN 39 0 51.528191 -0.048992
E2 0PP 7 0 51.528034 -0.048191