all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 0QY 9 7 51.529503 -0.046126
E2 0QZ 48 0 51.529513 -0.046183
E2 0RA 15 1 51.530053 -0.045192
E2 0RB 60 0 51.53015 -0.045635
E2 0RD 52 0 51.530247 -0.046583
E2 0RE 28 0 51.530618 -0.046768
E2 0RF 59 0 51.530811 -0.045924
E2 0RG 52 0 51.530632 -0.044908
E2 0RN 14 11 51.528626 -0.047447
E2 0RP 12 0 51.528149 -0.047523
E2 0RR 18 0 51.528537 -0.047622
E2 0RS 24 0 51.528278 -0.047072
E2 0RT 28 0 51.528797 -0.047019
E2 0RU 6 0 51.528991 -0.046766
E2 0RW 31 0 51.52834 -0.048192
E2 0RX 1 1 51.528991 -0.046766
E2 0RY 17 15 51.529346 -0.04541
E2 0SA 35 0 51.529272 -0.045831
E2 0SB 35 0 51.529254 -0.04478
E2 0SD 45 0 51.529499 -0.044322