all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 8EE 26 1 51.534216 -0.076159
E2 8EG 42 0 51.534286 -0.074988
E2 8EH 13 1 51.533951 -0.074281
E2 8EL 2 2 51.532795 -0.073842
E2 8EN 19 1 51.531914 -0.07454
E2 8EP 22 0 51.533649 -0.073948
E2 8EQ 44 1 51.534506 -0.073046
E2 8ER 17 0 51.532608 -0.076298
E2 8ES 7 0 51.532228 -0.07395
E2 8ET 37 5 51.529411 -0.075354
E2 8EW 12 0 51.532237 -0.07437
E2 8GG 4 0 51.530467 -0.076778
E2 8HA 1 0 51.530284 -0.075488
E2 8HB 7 2 51.530285 -0.076079
E2 8HD 7 1 51.530719 -0.076135
E2 8HE 11 0 51.528791 -0.077151
E2 8HF 9 1 51.53043 -0.073968
E2 8HG 10 2 51.529218 -0.076746
E2 8HH 28 0 51.528457 -0.076517
E2 8HL 12 6 51.528457 -0.076517