all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 8PB 1 51.53392 -0.070216
E2 8EZ 0 51.535536 -0.069919
E2 8PG 0 51.534834 -0.0711
E2 8PH 0 51.534048 -0.071984
E2 8PJ 0 51.533449 -0.071072
E2 8PP 10 51.53182 -0.062808
E2 8PQ 0 51.533924 -0.07098
E2 8PR 0 51.531575 -0.064851
E2 8PT 0 51.53187 -0.063137
E2 8QA 1 51.532027 -0.066648
E2 8QB 0 51.532912 -0.065142
E2 8QD 0 51.532885 -0.065228
E2 8QE 0 51.532579 -0.065255
E2 8QF 0 51.532579 -0.065255
E2 8QH 2 51.533366 -0.065481
E2 8QN 0 51.53406 -0.065048
E2 8QR 5 51.533889 -0.064522
E2 8QS 0 51.533546 -0.064955
E2 8QT 0 51.534417 -0.063245
E2 8QU 0 51.534206 -0.063571