all postcodes in E2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E2 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E2 8LH 0 51.532475 -0.072584
E2 8LJ 0 51.532475 -0.072584
E2 8LL 0 51.532475 -0.072584
E2 8LN 0 51.533616 -0.073589
E2 8LP 0 51.534074 -0.072992
E2 8LQ 0 51.532706 -0.073497
E2 8LR 6 51.533042 -0.07207
E2 8LS 1 51.532385 -0.071492
E2 8LT 0 51.533326 -0.071842
E2 8LU 0 51.534793 -0.072429
E2 8LW 0 51.533616 -0.073589
E2 8NA 13 51.531247 -0.068861
E2 8NE 0 51.535379 -0.067602
E2 8NG 1 51.531577 -0.070431
E2 8NH 4 51.531645 -0.068597
E2 8NP 0 51.531613 -0.069939
E2 8NR 0 51.531624 -0.069506
E2 8NS 1 51.532219 -0.069553
E2 8NU 0 51.533304 -0.07036
E2 8PA 0 51.534642 -0.070359