all postcodes in E6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the E6 postcode district

Postcode Area

E / East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
E6 1BN 81 0 51.538173 0.045498
E6 1BP 76 0 51.537107 0.04062
E6 1BQ 28 0 51.539248 0.048849
E6 1BS 29 3 51.537666 0.042101
E6 1BT 1 1 51.539588 0.04536
E6 1BU 16 1 51.537853 0.042715
E6 1BW 91 0 51.536989 0.041305
E6 1BX 39 5 51.538604 0.042965
E6 1DA 35 1 51.538509 0.043853
E6 1DB 38 0 51.539071 0.042496
E6 1DD 12 0 51.539428 0.041589
E6 1DE 26 0 51.539143 0.043018
E6 1DG 1 1 51.539727 0.04975
E6 1DH 14 0 51.540264 0.049875
E6 1DP 51 0 51.533928 0.037795
E6 1DQ 43 0 51.539428 0.046331
E6 1DR 67 0 51.533747 0.038364
E6 1DS 19 0 51.534792 0.03939
E6 1DT 29 0 51.534708 0.037412
E6 1DU 56 0 51.535532 0.038127