all postcodes in EX38 / TORRINGTON

find any address or company within the EX38 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX38 8BS 40 0 50.952735 -4.146503
EX38 8BT 44 2 50.952502 -4.147916
EX38 8BU 34 0 50.95248 -4.149097
EX38 8BX 35 2 50.952822 -4.150537
EX38 8BY 41 1 50.953009 -4.153108
EX38 8DN 29 0 50.95222 -4.156361
EX38 8DA 10 0 50.952359 -4.149334
EX38 8DB 17 0 50.953302 -4.149904
EX38 8DD 9 0 50.953568 -4.151568
EX38 8DE 6 0 50.952721 -4.152639
EX38 8DF 1 0 50.952721 -4.153138
EX38 8DG 5 0 50.953004 -4.153393
EX38 8DH 5 0 50.952885 -4.154968
EX38 8DJ 3 0 50.952999 -4.155614
EX38 8DL 1 1 50.95303 -4.156854
EX38 8DQ 4 0 50.952749 -4.15405
EX38 8DR 15 0 50.952127 -4.15069
EX38 8DS 18 1 50.952232 -4.145967
EX38 8DU 2 0 50.951835 -4.145262
EX38 8DX 6 0 50.952174 -4.146677