all postcodes in EX38 / TORRINGTON

find any address or company within the EX38 postcode district

Postcode Area

EX / Exeter

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
EX38 8DY 9 1 50.951636 -4.145627
EX38 8DZ 18 10 50.951746 -4.147152
EX38 8EA 1 0 50.953132 -4.14299
EX38 8EB 6 0 50.952565 -4.140572
EX38 8EF 14 0 50.951118 -4.140022
EX38 8EH 8 0 50.953075 -4.141208
EX38 8EJ 10 5 50.953051 -4.140566
EX38 8EL 1 1 50.952056 -4.140076
EX38 8EP 85 12 50.952543 -4.141479
EX38 8EQ 11 0 50.953557 -4.141401
EX38 8ER 2 0 50.952143 -4.142187
EX38 8ES 3 0 50.952044 -4.141047
EX38 8ET 31 0 50.951162 -4.139112
EX38 8EU 1 1 50.951639 -4.140046
EX38 8EX 80 1 50.950664 -4.139275
EX38 8EY 20 8 50.952091 -4.142569
EX38 8EZ 35 5 50.951399 -4.141885
EX38 8HB 2 0 50.950495 -4.143279
EX38 8HD 14 13 50.951344 -4.142908
EX38 8HE 14 2 50.951672 -4.142653