all postcodes in FK1 / LARBERT

find any address or company within the FK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK1 5JX 25 0 55.988179 -3.798681
FK1 5JY 8 0 55.987609 -3.798943
FK1 5JZ 12 0 55.987845 -3.798184
FK1 5LA 19 0 55.98801 -3.797374
FK1 5LB 6 0 55.988311 -3.797036
FK1 5LD 7 0 55.989599 -3.79623
FK1 5LE 23 1 55.990481 -3.794283
FK1 5LF 8 0 55.990904 -3.794238
FK1 5LG 13 0 55.991089 -3.791409
FK1 5LH 8 0 55.992204 -3.789472
FK1 5LJ 1 0 55.991812 -3.788637
FK1 5LL 8 0 55.990991 -3.788855
FK1 5LN 8 0 55.993339 -3.790519
FK1 5LP 11 0 55.992557 -3.790579
FK1 5LQ 7 0 55.991791 -3.790704
FK1 5LS 28 0 55.993256 -3.792519
FK1 5LT 17 0 55.993311 -3.796161
FK1 5LU 9 0 55.993335 -3.794543
FK1 5LX 1 1 55.989922 -3.794401
FK1 5LZ 12 0 56.000753 -3.802264