all postcodes in FK2 / FALKIRK

find any address or company within the FK2 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK2 7PS 0 56.019621 -3.798185
FK2 7PT 0 56.019705 -3.796119
FK2 7PU 0 56.019769 -3.797277
FK2 7PW 0 56.016456 -3.785893
FK2 7PY 0 56.015899 -3.788402
FK2 7QA 0 56.017437 -3.789564
FK2 7QB 0 56.018649 -3.790214
FK2 7QD 0 56.019737 -3.790842
FK2 7QE 0 56.019255 -3.794911
FK2 7QF 0 56.019037 -3.796313
FK2 7QG 0 56.019674 -3.794529
FK2 7QH 0 56.01854 -3.789102
FK2 7QJ 0 56.019425 -3.789368
FK2 7QL 0 56.019678 -3.788689
FK2 7QN 0 56.01987 -3.787864
FK2 7QP 0 56.020672 -3.787035
FK2 7QQ 0 56.020529 -3.790109
FK2 7QR 0 56.019339 -3.793455
FK2 7QS 0 56.019442 -3.78701
FK2 7QT 0 56.019114 -3.78669