all postcodes in FK2 / FALKIRK

find any address or company within the FK2 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK2 7NH 0 56.014987 -3.784382
FK2 7NJ 0 56.015186 -3.786156
FK2 7NL 0 56.014735 -3.785605
FK2 7NN 0 56.014439 -3.786843
FK2 7NQ 0 56.014479 -3.782225
FK2 7NS 0 56.01401 -3.788524
FK2 7NT 5 56.013267 -3.788361
FK2 7NU 0 56.013015 -3.787756
FK2 7NW 1 56.013816 -3.785787
FK2 7NX 1 56.013373 -3.787804
FK2 7NY 1 56.011808 -3.786673
FK2 7NZ 5 56.012756 -3.787599
FK2 7PA 2 56.012893 -3.788681
FK2 7PB 1 56.011277 -3.786713
FK2 7PD 5 56.013723 -3.782254
FK2 7PE 11 56.009629 -3.789775
FK2 7PF 0 56.010194 -3.781482
FK2 7PP 0 56.01793 -3.787149
FK2 7PQ 4 56.011439 -3.786127
FK2 7PR 0 56.02057 -3.796561