all postcodes in FK21 / KILLIN

find any address or company within the FK21 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK21 8TD 26 0 56.465901 -4.316945
FK21 8TE 21 1 56.467658 -4.315662
FK21 8TF 5 0 56.467525 -4.316605
FK21 8TG 6 0 56.467454 -4.315974
FK21 8TH 13 0 56.466583 -4.316012
FK21 8TJ 8 0 56.471836 -4.321577
FK21 8TL 10 0 56.480517 -4.301319
FK21 8TN 33 7 56.47094 -4.321334
FK21 8TP 1 1 56.470122 -4.317072
FK21 8TQ 18 1 56.466564 -4.316579
FK21 8TS 1 1 56.478049 -4.324246
FK21 8TT 7 0 56.482189 -4.344963
FK21 8TX 20 5 56.486008 -4.293456
FK21 8TY 15 2 56.497175 -4.244536
FK21 8UA 16 0 56.491576 -4.393115
FK21 8UB 6 0 56.497081 -4.487599
FK21 8UH 12 4 56.468152 -4.317195
FK21 8UJ 4 1 56.468516 -4.317413
FK21 8UL 5 1 56.468258 -4.317754
FK21 8UN 4 2 56.467982 -4.318036