all postcodes in FK21 / KILLIN

find any address or company within the FK21 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK21 8UP 1 1 56.467039 -4.318573
FK21 8UR 6 2 56.466247 -4.318167
FK21 8UT 28 3 56.465672 -4.318999
FK21 8UW 29 11 56.467093 -4.318543
FK21 8UX 7 0 56.465029 -4.318797
FK21 8UY 49 0 56.463241 -4.323682
FK21 8UZ 9 0 56.464992 -4.321354
FK21 8XA 61 0 56.465796 -4.321127
FK21 8XB 7 0 56.46461 -4.319658
FK21 8XD 19 0 56.464209 -4.320916
FK21 8XE 5 1 56.463288 -4.320681
FK21 8US 12 0 56.464582 -4.319144
FK21 8TB 14 0 56.475881 -4.322853