all postcodes in FK3 / GRANGEMOUTH

find any address or company within the FK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK3 8BP 0 56.015585 -3.724682
FK3 8BQ 0 56.016251 -3.723926
FK3 8BS 18 0 56.014855 -3.722885
FK3 8BT 38 0 56.014472 -3.725524
FK3 8BW 19 0 56.01699 -3.723108
FK3 8BX 67 8 56.016479 -3.72562
FK3 8BY 24 0 56.016482 -3.723487
FK3 8BZ 17 0 56.017525 -3.724753
FK3 8DA 12 0 56.015584 -3.724041
FK3 8DG 10 8 56.020242 -3.722893
FK3 8DJ 1 1 56.01977 -3.728687
FK3 8EG 3 3 56.02186 -3.728973
FK3 8EH 1 1 56.022576 -3.732375
FK3 8EL 8 1 56.019918 -3.738577
FK3 8EN 1 1 56.020207 -3.737195
FK3 8EP 4 0 56.019951 -3.738162
FK3 8ET 1 1 56.02185 -3.731572
FK3 8EU 28 1 56.02034 -3.74057
FK3 8EX 70 0 56.01993 -3.742236
FK3 8EY 55 0 56.020479 -3.743416