all postcodes in FK3 / GRANGEMOUTH

find any address or company within the FK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK3 8HA 39 0 56.019849 -3.744751
FK3 8HB 22 0 56.018542 -3.745029
FK3 8HD 44 0 56.019635 -3.745913
FK3 8HE 4 0 56.020266 -3.746439
FK3 8HF 2 0 56.020576 -3.74513
FK3 8HG 30 0 56.020557 -3.746837
FK3 8HH 23 1 56.019395 -3.746367
FK3 8HJ 14 0 56.018841 -3.743615
FK3 8HL 9 4 56.018329 -3.744843
FK3 8HN 30 0 56.018981 -3.741953
FK3 8HQ 1 1 56.01772 -3.723638
FK3 8HR 4 0 56.020064 -3.739097
FK3 8HT 19 0 56.017284 -3.72333
FK3 8HU 21 4 56.017938 -3.720921
FK3 8HW 3 2 56.017819 -3.724268
FK3 8HX 6 1 56.017623 -3.719343
FK3 8HY 15 1 56.017654 -3.723202
FK3 8HZ 1 1 56.004448 -3.726816
FK3 8JB 3 2 56.011548 -3.720613
FK3 8JD 15 0 56.010257 -3.722664