all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 5BD 36 1 56.018928 -3.914619
FK6 5BE 32 0 56.019071 -3.911803
FK6 5BF 44 0 56.014766 -3.919323
FK6 5BG 5 0 56.016401 -3.903103
FK6 5BH 29 0 56.016701 -3.905268
FK6 5BJ 65 0 56.016933 -3.903001
FK6 5BN 13 0 56.017477 -3.902146
FK6 5BP 28 0 56.019975 -3.916661
FK6 5BS 30 0 56.020029 -3.911994
FK6 5BT 12 0 56.019922 -3.914845
FK6 5BU 32 0 56.019467 -3.917534
FK6 5BX 9 0 56.018689 -3.918458
FK6 5BY 12 0 56.019804 -3.918947
FK6 5BZ 16 0 56.019152 -3.91869
FK6 5DA 24 0 56.018672 -3.918971
FK6 5DB 16 0 56.01849 -3.917919
FK6 5DD 22 0 56.018139 -3.917372
FK6 5DE 22 0 56.017103 -3.917561
FK6 5DF 13 0 56.019987 -3.909505
FK6 5DG 14 0 56.019854 -3.911713