all postcodes in FK6 / BONNYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the FK6 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK6 5AA 56 1 56.020776 -3.909608
FK6 5AB 16 0 56.019817 -3.90831
FK6 5AD 15 0 56.018873 -3.908873
FK6 5AE 32 0 56.019228 -3.910334
FK6 5AF 36 0 56.019455 -3.913121
FK6 5AG 28 0 56.019157 -3.915481
FK6 5AH 13 0 56.018511 -3.911984
FK6 5AJ 30 0 56.018469 -3.913538
FK6 5AL 44 0 56.017598 -3.915179
FK6 5AN 25 0 56.016651 -3.91425
FK6 5AQ 7 0 56.01845 -3.914756
FK6 5AR 1 1 56.016877 -3.915946
FK6 5AS 33 1 56.018617 -3.909759
FK6 5AT 36 0 56.01791 -3.913029
FK6 5AU 48 0 56.017658 -3.912519
FK6 5AW 62 0 56.015522 -3.913504
FK6 5AY 36 0 56.017986 -3.909326
FK6 5AZ 36 0 56.017313 -3.912727
FK6 5BA 48 0 56.016989 -3.912727
FK6 5BB 15 0 56.017895 -3.911103