all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 1XY 18 0 56.135315 -3.960386
FK8 1XZ 9 0 56.136652 -3.959971
FK8 1ZR 1 0 56.136605 -3.961787
FK8 1ZS 9 0 56.135765 -3.960361
FK8 1ZT 4 0 56.135819 -3.962069
FK8 1JX 19 0 56.120186 -3.936774
FK8 2AA 11 1 56.10863 -3.940043
FK8 2AE 17 0 56.107767 -3.941174
FK8 2AF 44 0 56.106591 -3.939973
FK8 2AG 32 0 56.107884 -3.940006
FK8 2AJ 17 0 56.107397 -3.937826
FK8 2AL 20 0 56.107387 -3.939627
FK8 2AN 15 0 56.105557 -3.939406
FK8 2AP 12 0 56.105182 -3.937522
FK8 2AQ 19 1 56.108902 -3.938175
FK8 2AR 29 2 56.104196 -3.937392
FK8 2AS 5 0 56.10567 -3.937386
FK8 2AT 12 0 56.107239 -3.937169
FK8 2AU 1 1 56.1068 -3.935893
FK8 2AW 12 0 56.106314 -3.938264