all postcodes in FK8 / STIRLING

find any address or company within the FK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK8 2AX 60 0 56.106746 -3.942757
FK8 2AY 14 0 56.109619 -3.936694
FK8 2AZ 9 0 56.108973 -3.93605
FK8 2BA 10 0 56.109783 -3.93482
FK8 2BB 1 0 56.108609 -3.936777
FK8 2BE 11 0 56.108422 -3.936125
FK8 2BG 3 1 56.10963 -3.937601
FK8 2BJ 78 1 56.111166 -3.937173
FK8 2BN 15 0 56.110266 -3.936571
FK8 2BX 30 21 56.119332 -3.936763
FK8 2BS 15 0 56.115684 -3.93613
FK8 2BY 1 1 56.119866 -3.935358
FK8 2DD 20 4 56.1182 -3.936175
FK8 2DG 43 10 56.116159 -3.936234
FK8 2DJ 1 0 56.114364 -3.936536
FK8 2DL 1 1 56.117974 -3.935086
FK8 2DQ 1 1 56.116504 -3.93645
FK8 2DS 44 8 56.115669 -3.935299
FK8 2DT 54 0 56.11585 -3.934648
FK8 2DW 1 1 56.115891 -3.935593